Monday, 17 May 2010


Hi, my names Arkwind, i'm 18 and studying computer networks and security in Birmingham in the uk. I started this blog to share my experiences whilst i'm learning how to astral project so i hope you find it useful/entertaining.

In real life i am a bit of an academic and computer techy and am studying a degree in computer networks and security which i'm absolutely loving.

My back ground as far as spirituality goes is pretty rocky, about 2 years ago i started looking into alot of the Buddhist scriptures and teachings and became a practicing Buddhist for a while but this kind of phased out of my life however i kept up the frequent meditations. Recently in my meditations i had been frequently seeing bold images and hearing voices, googling these experiences lead me onto astral projection which i took an immediate intrest to because it explained alot of things that have happened to me in the past.

Previous Astral/OOB incidents:
As i said above, when i first started reading astral projection literature there where a few experiences in my childhood and in recent times that tied well into the astral theology and experiences of others, here are a few.

Recently i was asleep in my bed with my girlfriend and in my dream my ex girlfriends father was threatening me with a broken glass ashtray, my mind realised what was going on and i said to myself "This must be a dream, somethings not right here". Instantly i put my arms out to my sides and fell straight back onto the floor(in my dream) but instead of hitting the floor i dropped through it and woke up instantly, it felt like i had literally fallen into my bed. Research has shown me that this is a "Lucid Dream".

A long time ago when i was a kid, i woke up in the middle of the night completely paralyzed and at the bottom of my bed was a humanoid figure shaped like a man but probably 8ft tall and made of a pure black mass, its the blackest thing i have ever seen, so black that it stands out in a pitch black room. It terrified me as a child and i still can remember every second of it. Research has told me that the paralysis that i felt was "Sleep Paralysis" which is a common symptom of out of body experiences. The shadowy figure could be either a generation of my own consciousness, or something more crossing a layer of consciousness into my sight.

Anyway, this blog is going to document my experiences as i'm trying to harness astral projection and explore this ability, i hope you enjoy it.

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